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Home » World » EAM Jaishankar rebukes Canada over ‘celebration’ of Indira Gandhi’s assassination
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EAM Jaishankar rebukes Canada over ‘celebration’ of Indira Gandhi’s assassination

You remember that parade in Canada’s Brampton where they had that float depicting the assassination of Indira Gandhi, right? Well, the Minister of External Affairs, S Jaishankar, had a strong reaction to it.

He condemned Canada for tolerating separatists and extremists, saying it’s all just for vote bank politics. He questioned why Canada would give space to such elements. It seems like he’s really disappointed with their stance on this issue.

The video of the float depicting the assassination of Indira Gandhi by her Sikh bodyguards went viral on social media. It was part of a parade organized by Khalistani supporters. The authenticity of the video couldn’t be independently verified, but it’s believed to be from a parade that took place on June 4, just days before the 39th anniversary of Operation Blue Star.

India expressed its displeasure to the Canadian government over this incident. The Indian High Commission in Ottawa sent a formal note to Global Affairs Canada, stating that it’s not acceptable.

The Canadian High Commissioner in India, Cameron MacKay, also condemned the depiction of the assassination, emphasizing that there is no place for hate or glorification of violence in Canada.

On another note, there’s also an ongoing issue with hundreds of Indian students in Canada whose visa documents were found to be fake. Jaishankar assured that the Ministry of External Affairs is engaging with Canadian authorities on the matter. He mentioned that the students acted in good faith and shouldn’t be blamed. He believes it would be unfair to punish students who were misled by others, and he’s pressing for action against those responsible for the scam.

So, that’s the latest update on what’s happening between India and Canada. It’s quite a contentious situation, and it will be interesting to see how things unfold.

IBC Global Times
Author: IBC Global Times

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