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Home » Karnataka » PM’s Mysuru Unpaid Hotel Bill Row: Karnataka Minister Assures Amicable Resolution
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PM’s Mysuru Unpaid Hotel Bill Row: Karnataka Minister Assures Amicable Resolution

A recent controversy emerged regarding an unpaid hotel bill incurred during Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit to Mysuru. The issue has garnered significant attention, prompting a response from Karnataka’s Minister for Health and Family Welfare, K. Sudhakar. He assured the public and the media that the matter would be resolved amicably. Minister Sudhakar emphasized that the incident was likely a misunderstanding and that the state government would ensure that the hotel receives the due payment promptly.

The Incident

The unpaid bill pertains to the Prime Minister’s stay at a luxury hotel in Mysuru during his visit for an official event. Reports of the outstanding payment sparked debates and criticisms, with opposition parties using it as a point of contention against the ruling government.

Minister’s Assurance

Minister Sudhakar’s intervention aims to defuse the situation by promising a swift and amicable resolution. He highlighted the importance of maintaining good relations with local businesses and ensuring that all government-related expenses are settled without delay.

Political Reactions

The incident has not only drawn media scrutiny but also elicited reactions from various political entities. Opposition leaders have seized the opportunity to criticize the administration, while supporters of the government emphasize that it was an administrative oversight rather than a deliberate lapse.

Moving Forward

The Karnataka government is taking steps to address the unpaid bill and prevent similar incidents in the future. Minister Sudhakar’s assurance reflects the state’s commitment to transparency and accountability in handling official expenses.

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